++CLARIFICATIONS: Please see below for a ‘Clarifications’ document, updated on 7th July 2023++

GOAL invites prospective Consultants to submit their quotation for the supply of evaluation of GOAL’s Blue Economy works in the LAC region.

The objectives of the evaluation are:

  1. Describe the scale of GOAL’s blue economy work of the last four years mapping out geographic spread, number of projects, interventions type, sectors covered, expenditure and reach.
  2. Assess and document the relevance, impact, effectiveness, and sustainability of GOAL’s blue economy work into food security over the last four years.
  3. Make recommendations, as appropriate, for improvements and scale up of GOAL’s blue economy work in the current and other geographical locations.


Line Item Date, year, time, and time-zone
1 RFQ published 27th June 2023
2 Closing date and time for Clarifications 10th July 2023 at 23.59 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
3 Closing date and time for receipt of quotations 17th July 2023 at 23.59 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
4 Contract award forecast August 2023