Save the Children Thailand and Asia sub Regional office is dedicated to promoting continuous improvement of Education Systems and creating a supportive operating environment on Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, and WASH sectors to improve the living conditions of children in need along the Thailand-Myanmar borders and in Bangkok. We is seeking offers for provision of accommodation and conference facilities to accommodate our participants with professional coordination and timely manner arrangement.

In the last year Save the Children Thailand and Asia sub Regional office organized around 68 national and international events. The number of participants varied between 10 and 200 depending on the type of the event.  The average number of participants is about 31-50 persons. Save the Children’s personnel travelled around the working areas and needed accommodation for 296 times for a total budget of 5.437 million THB, accordingly bidders are invited to submit quotes for Provision of Accommodation & Conference Facility Services to SCI-ASRO in Bangkok, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Mae Sarieng, and Mae Sot.

Your bid must be received, no later than 05:00 pm. on 7th May 2024.

All questions relating to the tender should be sent via email to:


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