36 organisations active in the humanitarian WASH sector all over the world have joined forces and elaborated an action plan, with the goal to accelerate action and deploy new approaches to save more lives, achieve better public and environmental health outcomes, and create synergies between acute emergencies, humanitarian crises and long-term development. This collective is named the 2020-2025 WASH Road Map (RM).

The RM (www.washroadmap.org) wishes to conduct a Mid-Term Review (MTR) to assess the implementation of its strategy. Advised by an experienced and engaged Task Team (composed of senior WASH advisors) and supported by the RM Secretariat, the consultant will lead this evaluation process.

To learn more on the timeline, methodology, deliverables, goals and more, concerning this MTR, please lick on the following link: MTR Consultant TORs FINAL (1).pdf – Google Drive

Offers will be accepted up to October 24th 2022 COB.